If you planted a tree with us, here is more information about your tree. April 2023 Species Deciduous Holly Also called possumhaw, Deciduous Holly (Ilex decidua) is a small to medium sized tree producing regular crops of brilliant red fruit on the female plant. The male and female flowers are borne on separate plants so several trees should be planted near each other. After the leaves fall the fruit is visible for long distances which helps feed birds in late winter and early spring when other food sources are depleted. Height at maturity is 20ft. Dogwood, Flowering (Pictured above Nikki is holding a Dogwood sapling.) Flowering Dogwood Trees (Cornus Florida) are a favorite of many as they are breathtaking during all four seasons. In the fall, foliage turns a vibrant red-purple, while the winter brings charcoal bark and a stunning array of red fruits, attracting the attention of winter songbirds. In spring, White Dogwoods produce lively white flower clusters that continue into the summer, as glossy green leaves become revealed. All parts of the tree are used as food by many wildlife species. White Dogwoods grow at a fairly rapid pace and reach 15-25 feet with a 25 foot spread at maturation. They prefer about 4 hours of full sun or partial shade for optimum growth. Eastern Redbud (Pictured above: Nikki is holding a Redbud sapling - notice the crooked trunk.) Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis) trees are deciduous trees that produce delicate pink flowers. They bloom in early spring (March/April) and they are one of our most popular trees. Its blossoms are edible and are technically in the legume family. The trees are just as lovely at other times of the year, in which they change from reddish-purple to dark green to yellow. Eastern Redbuds grow at a medium rate, reaching a height of 20-30 feet with a 25-35 ft spread at maturity. They prefer full sun for 6-8 hours a day for optimum growth. Sargent Crabapple Sargent Crabapple (Malus sargentii) is a compact tree that is easy to maintain and ideal for small spaces, under utility lines, or for bonsai gardens. In spring it produces fragrant white flowers and come fall it bears small, bright-red fruit that persists into winter. It is often wider than tall, reaching 6-10 feet tall and 6-12 feet wide. Prefers an open location with full sun and well-drained soil. Wild Plum The Wild Plum (Prunus spp.) also known as American Plum is a favorite ornamental for landscaping with fragrant white flowers blooming in April-May and fruit that ripens July-September. It typically grows as a large shrub - and it may propagate itself by root suckers to form thickets making it ideal for the edge of woodlands as a hedge. But it may also grow as a small tree and reach up to 20 feet tall. Wild Plum prefers full or partial sun and a well-drained, acidic, loamy soil. Species from Prior Events: Elderberry Beautiful white flowers, which make their appearance in June and July, make this an ornamental favorite and also a favorite for pollinators. The berry clusters come in August and September. The berries are rich in antioxidants, Vitamin C, and fiber and are often used as an herbal remedy. Planting two is recommended for cross pollination. The trees grow in "canes" (multiple woody stems) rather than one single trunk, and reach 15 to 30 hight at maturity. They grow quickly in full to partial sunlight and most soils. False Indigo False Indigo is a flowering shrub with importance to pollinators including bees and butterflies. With purple flowers in the spring this decidous bush produces a kidney shaped pods. This plant does well in a variethy of conditions. It raches a height of 6-10 feet and it grows in clusters through suckers and reseeding. Fragrant Sumac The Fragrant Sumac is a deciduous shrub, with velvety branches, and a trifolate leave structure. It produces yellow flowers and dark red berries, andreaches a height of 6-8 feet tall and 4-6 feet wide. Fragrant Sumacs grows in clusters connected by rhizomes. They are ideal for ground cover and to stabilizing banks. They grow in a wide variety of conditions including dry rocky areas. Shumard Oak
The Shumard Oak is a stately tree with beautiful fall color and great for urban areas. The tree has beautiful fall color and produces acorns. This tall tree grows quickly reaching 40-60 feet at maturity. It is drought tolerant, prefers full sun conditions and well-drained soil. Comments are closed.
February 2025